Wednesday, January 3, 2024

W&L December 2023

Grandma Mason conducts the children's choir at church and they were invited to perform in a Christmas concert on the first two nights of December. 

The second night, the kiddos were gifted these reindeer noses and Lilly did not wait to put it on. 

I got to sit in on the girl's dance classes. It's so fun to see their progress!

I got to see one of my favorite musicals! My Fair Lady. 

PJ and I enjoyed our night out!

While coming home from school one day, the sunset was absolutely stunning. Wendy grabbed my phone and captured this shot!

Supporting Wendy at the school for one last Mass performance of the 2023 year!

Sometimes I wonder where I get my quirks. Having kiddos have taught me there are things that are just intrinsic and have taught me to embrace more of those quirks. For example, I looked over and Wendy was rearranging the advent days in order. She said "it's too random! It needs to go in order!". I hear you kiddo....

One of our neighbors loves on Baxter as though he were her dog and she made sure to include him in our family Christmas present. He did not wait until Christmas to play with his toy, however!

Wendy is performing her last school dance of the year during Lessons and Carols. 

Lilly got to play the bells during her class performance of Away in a Manger. 

Wendy singing with her class!

Grandma Mason came to cheer them on!

And was gracious enough to take a family photo of us. 

Yearly Christmas jams! Grinch for Lilly, Emoji's for Wendy. 

Christmas Waffle Bar for breakfast! No fruit was utilized...

Our Ice cream cake for Jesus was delicious! I think it might have been the first time the girls had ice cream cake...

Once all the decorations were down and we were sick of sitting around the house, we went up to Austin's Play Park!

We made Wendy ride this train roller coaster with Lilly. She enjoyed it! But she did not want to. 

Wendy on her own horse on the carousel. 

Lilly on her own horse on the carousel. 

Parents chilling on a bench on the carousel! 

Lilly motored her own bumper water boat. 

And drove her own go-cart!

Then we wrapped up with the rock wall and arcade games. On to the New Year!

25 Days of Christmas 2023

Advent Activity Day 1: Christmas Treasure Hunt!

Advent Activity Day 2: Christmas at St. Gabriel's!

Advent Activity Day 3: Main Street Bethlehem!

Advent Activity Day 4: Christmas Dance Party! (I have a video but blogger doesn't like those so just know, we danced our hearts out)

Advent Activity Day 5: Decorate Doors!

Advent Activity Day 6: Make Snowflakes! (Another video, another time)

Advent Activity Day 7: Make Kindness Rocks!

Advent Activity Day 8: Christmas Movie- PJ's Pick!

Advent Activity Day 9: Church Christmas Party!

Advent Activity Day 10: Deliver Gifts to Ministering Families!

Advent Activity Day 11: Christmas Karaoke!

Advent Activity Day 12: Christmas Craft- Dot Painting!

Advent Activity Day 13: ELF at Alamo Drafthouse!

Advent Activity Day 14: Heart Attack Friend's Doors!

Advent Activity Day 15: Make Cookies for Firemen!

This is always a favorite but we never know if the firemen are going to be there. This year, the EMS team was at the station and they gave us a tour of the facilities, the EMS truck, and let the girls try on the Firemen outfits. Thank you Firemen (and EMS)!

Advent Activity Day 16: Balance Studio's Production of the Nutcracker!

Advent Activity Day 17: Decorate Cookies for Neighbors!

Advent Activity Day 18: Christmas at the Maywalds!

Advent Activity Day 19: Stocking Shopping!

Such a convenient way to get that last minute shopping done. PJ and I teamed up with each girl and got things for the opposite team's stockings. All while making sure the other team wasn't peaking!

Advent Activity Day 20: Christmas Craft-Puffy Painting

Advent Activity Day 21: Christmas Movie- Wendy and Lilly Pick!

Advent Activity Day 22: Hot Cocoa + Look for Lights (Another video only documentation)

Advent Activity day 23: Make Cookies for Santa!

Advent Activity Day 24: Make Birthday Cake for Jesus + Gingerbread Houses

We decided on an *ice cream cake* for Jesus this year!

Advent Activity Day 25: Open Presents!

Merry Christmas!